AP Digital Art Portfolio
Artist's Statement
I’m a child growing up in 3 different urban cities: Beijing, Hong Kong, and New York. I’ve spent my life staring at interesting architecture. When I think back to where I used to live, architecture is a huge part of my memories that symbolize the uniqueness of a city. One question that guided me throughout my sustained investigation is how do forms of urban architecture reflect the cultural and environmental identities that serve as an icon of the city? Beyond simply capturing the aesthetics of buildings, it encourages me to explore the narratives hidden within the structures themselves.
I explored the relationship between architecture and the urban landscape, considering how buildings and structures can serve as a visual narrative of a city's identity. Opening up avenues for investigating architectural styles, the impact of urban planning, and the interplay between form and function in cityscapes. I kept improving the quality of my work, utilizing leading lines, atypical POVs, golden ratios, reflections, and such design principles, creating a sense of unity while differentiating contents. Rethinking my guided question, attempting my best to create high-quality art pieces.